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Tobacco Pipe Accessories: Your pipe kit

Tobacco Pipe Accessories: Your pipe kit

Posted by Jack Rather on 13th Mar 2015

We spend a lot of time thinking about our smoking pipes. We compare briar grain and debate the merits of different tobacco blends. What doesn’t always receive as much attention are the accessories that go with our favorite smokers. As we prepare for our Virtual Pipe Club Meeting with Rik Ruff next w …
Gift for Pipe Smokers #5: Accessories

Gift for Pipe Smokers #5: Accessories

Posted by Renia Carsillo on 10th Dec 2014

The fifth and final in our series of Gift Ideas for Pipe Smokers explores gift ideas for a collector who already has a number of smoking pipes or is just really specific about the pipes he buys. For help with gift sets and stocking stuffers check out the earlier posts in this series.Is his tobacco p …
Ruff Works Pipe Tampers: Accidental Art

Ruff Works Pipe Tampers: Accidental Art

Posted by Renia Carsillo on 6th Aug 2014

A fresh take on pipe tampersRik Ruff started smoking a tobacco pipe just 12 months ago.He is retired from the United States Air Force, and now working as a civilian contractor. He was a long-time cigarette smoker and enjoyed the transition to tobacco pipes easily. He says every time he lights a bowl …
Father’s Day Gifts for Pipe Smokers

Father’s Day Gifts for Pipe Smokers

Posted by Renia Carsillo on 19th May 2014

If you grew up sitting at your father’s knee while he smoked his favorite tobacco pipe, a new pipe or accessory could be the perfect way to honor your shared memories this Father’s Day. In addition to childhood memories, a brand new crop of smoking enthusiasts has popped up in the last 10 years, as …
Peterson Pouches: Stylish Accessories

Peterson Pouches: Stylish Accessories

Posted by Renia Carsillo on 9th Apr 2014

Choosing your pipe accessoriesPeterson leather pouches are made in three different types: to store pipes, for traveling with tobacco and in combo sizes for both. Whichever type you choose, a tobacco pipe accessoriesfrom Peterson of Dublin are always stylish additions to your pipe collection.Peterson …