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Simple and classic, a Jobey pipe pouch will protect your tobacco pipes for trips and make them easy to have at hand, wherever you may go. Choose from our large selection below.

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  • Jobey 7 Pipe Multipurpose Zippered Bag- 720 Jobey 7 Pipe Multipurpose Zippered Bag- 720 Open

    Jobey 7 Pipe Multipurpose Zippered Bag- 720

    Brand: Jobey Model: 7 Pipe Multi Purpose Zippered Bag- 720 Length: 9.52 in. / 242.01 mm. Height: 7.91 in. / 200.97 mm. Width: 3.81 in. / 96.92 mm. Weight: 1 lb  2.4 oz. / 521.62 g. Material: Lambskin Package: Box

    MSRP: $119.90
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