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Samuel Gawith Pipe Tobacco

The Samuel Gawith Company has been through many iterations, but one thing remains the same -- a tradition of excellent pipe tobacco blends. The company originated in 1792 with Thomas Harrison, who was a notable and popular maker of snuff tobacco. Snuff tobacco was the popular form of tobacco at the time, and Harrison's success in that venture allowed him to expand to pipe tobacco.


In 1838 Harrison brought his new son-in-law, Samuel Gawith, into the business. Gawith learned under Harrison for three years before the older man passed away in 1841. At that point, Samuel and his wife, Jane, took over the business.


The company flourished under the careful stewardship of Samuel and Jane. However, Samuel would suddenly pass away at only 48 years old. Since his eldest son was not old enough to fully take charge of the company, it was instead placed into the careful hands of three trustees.


In time, Samuel Gawith Jr. was old enough to take charge. In 1878, Samuel Jr. and his younger brother, John Edward Gawith, split up to create two different Gawith businesses. This was a friendly break, with the brothers maintaining a close relationship their entire lives. The brothers simply preferred to specialize in different styles of tobacco, and the split allowed them to focus entirely on what they wanted.


Samuel Jr. kept the original company, with the recipes and blends maintaining their heritage. In 2015, the brothers were reunited as Samuel Gawith, and Gawith Hoggarth moved into the same factory to produce their blends of tobacco. Both companies still operate independently, but they share the manufacturing space in the factory.


We provide you with 25 different Samuel Gawith tobacco blends, including the incredibly popular Squadron Leader tobacco. These tobaccos sell out quickly, so be sure to get notified when we have the tobaccos in stock.


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