free shipping on orders over $95

Please note that all orders are subject to availability. Due to factors such as inventory updates & limited product availability, certain items may occasionally become unavailable. If this occurs, we will issue a refund for the affected items. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience & appreciate your understanding.

Contact Us 1-877-527-0007

Customer Service Ben

At, we love to help you have a satisfying smoking experience. To assist you, we have a team of customer service representatives to answer your questions, address your concerns and help you navigate any challenges you’ve encountered.

Many of our customers find that their questions have already been answered in our Frequently Asked Questions. Please take a moment to browse this informative page.

600 Perdue Ave, Richmond, VA 23224


Toll Free: 1-877-527-0007

Customer Service Hours:

Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm eastern.

E-mail Contacts:

[email protected]