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Since Mo Maali started Nicaragua based Patina Cigars in 2017, the brand has been making waves. Praises abound, it reminds us why we love to see an enthusiast putting skin in the game. You can trust that the passion for their product and the vision for what they wish to see in the cigar world is their guiding force. Authentic to the core, you can trust Patina to deliver a blend that is imaginative and bold.
Patina now carries a trio of wrappers—Connecticut, Habano, and Maduro—offered in several vitolas. Patina’s first two releases feature blends with Nicaraguan and Pennsylvanian binder and filler. As for Maduro, that’s for your taste to decode, as Maali is holding the cards close in keeping the blend a mystery.
Each of these have been met with praise and several excellent ratings from respected connoisseurs—the Habano receiving a score of 94 from Katman and Cigar Authority.
Casper Cigar Company raved that the Patina Connecticut was a favorite for them following the Vegas Trade Show in 2020.
Most recently, Patina released their Maduro. Following the Habano and Connecticut’s expectation-challenging blends, Maali insists the Maduro rises to the occasion with a dynamic meeting of “balance, flavor, and strength,” and the reviews certainly seem to agree.
In one blind review from Small Batch Cigar, one reviewer claims this is a smoke for those seeking “cigars that challenge the norm.”
The Patina Maduro also won 2020 Cigar of the Year by Cigar Dojo in their Under the Radar category. “This is a firecracker of a cigar, being one of the most unmistakably spicy experiences we smoked this year,” they write.
Maali didn’t take this venture to make a cigar indistinguishable from the rest, he did so with a yearning for something truly original. These cigars achieve just that, letting what stands out speak for itself—wonderfully harmonized with the virtues rolled right into the name Patina.
Maduro says it best, “Patina is Beauty in Age. As weathered bronze or copper show patina, we too will always be ourselves at our core, no matter what happens. Be true to yourself.”
That’s some self-affirmation we would all do well to embrace. As many of us will attest, it’s hardly a celebration without a cigar, so find your blend and celebrate you with a box of Patinas.