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One of the largest pipe tobacco conglomerations in the world, the Scandinavian Tobacco Group combines a large number of growers, blenders, and tobacconists into a strong organization that helps produce the best tobacco possible.
The Scandinavian Tobacco group employs almost 7000 people throughout the world. They operate in over 100 countries and work towards consistency for every tobacco under their very large umbrella.
They are responsible for many of the brands you see on our site, as well as the blends you find here.
Hoyo de Monterrey is an enjoyable tobacco, a combination of Burley, Black Cavendish, and bright Virginia tobaccos. They top this blend off with a light vanilla flavoring, which creates a pleasant room note to go with their mild and comfortable taste. A consistent blend, you will be able to appreciate this tobacco as long as you have some in your pipe.
Balkan Sasieni is an homage to the original London based Balkan creation. This is a combination of Cyprian Latakia, along with Macedonian and other Black Sea Orientals, topped off with some Virginia tobaccos. If you like Balkan blends, you will love this one. Medium in both strength and taste, you will get a comfortable introduction into the world of Balkan blend tobaccos, something you can appreciate in any tobacco pipe.
So if you see the Scandinavian lion on your tobacco tin, just know that you are getting a tobacco that undergoes rigorous testing to ensure the most consistent and comfortable smoke.