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The color black is powerful, representing sophistication and elegance. When you see it, you know the quality of what is there.
So when Erik Nording released the Black Smooth series of tobacco pipes, we all knew they were going to be outstanding and worth picking up.
Handmade in freehand shapes, each of the Black Smooth tobacco pipes is stained in the titular glossy black coat, looking elegant and highly fashionable. Along with the all black stummel, the acrylic stem continues the theme. A few swirls of white add a finishing pop on the stem, creating a wonderful look that will be unique to each smoking pipe in this line.
You might be wondering how different the pipes can be, considering they all share the same color. Well, we offer you sixteen smoking pipes in the Black Smooth series, and we can assure you no two look the same.
Since they are freehand shaped, Nording has no mold or model to base the design on, so they are all unique. When you have the skill that Nording has for creating outstanding and unrepeatable tobacco pipes, you can be sure that whatever piece you make will be one-of-a-kind. The Black Smooth series can easily be considered a work of art, one that is worth acquiring.
The quality and affordability of these smoking pipes make them perfect for all pipe enthusiasts. Collectors will love them for their looks, and smokers will love them for their abilities. These will be great in your pipe rotation or even as a showpiece while resting on your pipe stand.