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Lane Limited pipe tobacco is one of the best known brands in the USA and also one of the best selling. This affordable and dependable line of pipe tobaccos is a perfect choice for go-to blends that won't leave your wallet stinging.
Lane Limited got its start in Dresden, Germany, in 1890. This tobacco shop worked well, being able to pass down the generations until Herman G. Lane, one of the founder's grandsons, emigrated to the United States and opened up his own shop in Manhattan, New York City, in 1938.
That would be the headquarters for Lane, Limited, until 1983 when they moved down to Tucker, Georgia, where they continue to operate to this day. A point of pride for the company is that, despite various changes in ownership, there had been many employees in Tucker that worked in New York.
In 2011, the Scandinavian Tobacco Group purchased Lane, Limited. The quality of the tobacco produced has maintained its high and impressive standards, perhaps even getting better with the larger Scandinavian company supporting them.
Perhaps that's why these high-quality blends have been a favorite of American pipe smokers for more than 80 years. Having high standards and producing great tobacco has made Lane, Limited a trustworthy company.
Dating back to the Dresden, Germany origins, Lane, Limited offers more than 125 years of experienced tobacconists.
It shows that this company knows something about staying power, and the long-lasting popularity of their pipe tobacco blends proves it.
We provide 19 different Lane, Limited pipe tobacco blends. Choose between vanilla flavored Black Cavendish, rum flavored Burley, black raspberry, and many other different tobaccos that can satisfy your desire for excellent tobacco. If you are looking for it, Lane, Limited probably provides it.